Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: January 1, 2025 - Last updated: January 1, 2025


Speakers: Mia Bloom and Edna Erez

Title: When Sexually Assaulted Women Are Not Believed

Subtitle: “Ideal Victims” and the October 7 Hamas Attack

Conference: Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology (November 13-16, 2024) - Online Program

Session: Understanding and Preventing Crimes Against Targeted or Vulnerable Groups (Chair: Mia Bloom)

Place: San Francisco, California, United States

Date: November 16, 2024

Language: English

Keywords: Modern History: 21st Century | Asian History: Israeli History, Palestinian History | Cases: Real Incidents / Hamas Attack on Israel


Link: -


Speakers: - Mia Bloom, Department of Communication, Georgia State University - Google Scholar, Wikipedia

- Edna Erez, Department of Criminology, Law and Justice, University of Illinois Chicago -, ResearchGate

Abstract: » This study investigates the reasons for the silence, disbelief, and denial of the sexual abuse perpetrated by Hamas in the October 7 attack. It employs Christie’s “ideal victim” conceptualization as adapted by van Wijk for international context to explain the silence of international organizations and women-led civil society groups about the abuse of Israeli women. The reasons for and functions of rape in war to effect political and demographic changes are discussed and how the sexual violence on October 7 exemplifies these functions. The evidence for the October 7 sexual violence is presented and efforts to question/deny it are contrasted with other international cases of wartime sexual abuse in Iraq and Nigeria in which victims were believed. We conclude that, over time, the determination of who is a victim deemed worthy (or unworthy) of the international community's sympathy and recognition, is a political judgment. Nils Christie’s concept of the “ideal victim,” is heuristically useful but politically contingent on the vicissitudes of the international zeitgeist of the moment, but not one based on forensic evidence, or documentation of gender-based crimes.« (Source: Online Program)

Publication: Bloom, Mia, et al. »When Sexually Assaulted Women Are Not Believed: “Ideal Victims” and Political Relativity in the October 7 Hamas Attack.« Studies in Conflict & Terrorism (May 20, 2024).- Bibliographic Entry: Info

Wikipedia: History of Asia: History of Israel / History of Israel (1948–present) | History of Asia: History of Palestine / History of the State of Palestine | Sex and the law: Rape / Sexual and gender-based violence in the 7 October Hamas-led attack on Israel | War: Israel–Hamas war / 7 October Hamas-led attack on Israel